Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blessed Holy Week, All!

This sermon was delivered in fall 2010 at Drew Theo Chapel.  It was an amazing service all the way around, but I thought Bishop Flunder's message provides some amazing words as we head into Holy Week. 

I'm finishing up a worship service here at Church Center for the United Nations for tomorrow. We are hoping to move the discussion/meditations into examining the way that institutions betray each other and the way we follow Christ's model of showing both grace and truth-telling in the midst of those betrayals.  It very much fits with all the work we do here, while we still have to acknowledge that we are very much an institution.  So what does betrayal, death, and resurrection mean here, to us?  I'm looking forward to it, I think it could turn into a fascinating conversation.

May you all have a good time of reflection, peace-finding, and a good solid restlessness.